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What Does a Hot Tub Do for Your Health and Well-Being?

Sara Oliver

What Does a Hot Tub Do for Your Health and Well-Being?

Our bodies always beg for rest—credit goes to the piles of work, constant pushing, fear of failure, exhausting days, and uninvited stress. And do we rest? No! Resting feels like a waste of time as we are so invested in achieving what's on the outside, forgetting that true wellness starts from within. 

It's super important to calm the inner chaos with a warm hug. A hot tub can do the job. Years of tension can be relieved just after stepping into the hot tub and sitting there for 20-30 minutes. Inner wellness can be achieved once your mind stops worrying about life's demands and starts breathing again. 

This can happen once warm water surrounds you from all sides. Meanwhile hydrotherapy ensures the reduction of the cortisol hormone, which means no more STRESS. The benefits of hot tubs don't end here. 

Get to know the 3 physical and mental health advantages of using hot tubs regularly before sleeping or starting the day. 

How Hot Tubs Work?

How Hot Tubs Work?

Hot tubs hold the superpower to relieve muscles, not with the help of any painkiller but with mere hotness. Nothing otherworldly, just basic science. 

As warm water increases blood circulation, all your health concerns start to recover. Hot tubs make you pause and live in the moment, where your role just includes sitting in the warm water and seeing the wonders it does to your body. 

Role of Heat

Hot tubs heal you—all thanks to the heat. Heat relaxes your muscles and makes sure your fast-beating heart rests for a while and slows down. This way your blood circulation improves and your whole body moves from a chaotic mood to a rest mood within a couple of minutes after sinking into the hot tub. 

Getting deeper into the science of how blood circulation improves, your blood vessels widen when warm water touches your body. The process is called vasodilation. Studies show that immersing your body in hot water can warm up the muscles, ultimately curing stiffness and many related muscle issues. 

Hydrotherapy at Home

Hydrotherapy is not a modern-day technique to heal muscles while reducing inflammation. It has been practiced since ages to comfort and heal muscles with the help of water and heat pressure. It works as if you're getting a massage by 2 combined forces; water and heat. All hot tubs make hydrotherapy accessible to you from the comfort of your home. 

Study shows that hydrotherapy does not just cure anxiety or fatigue, instead, it improves your overall health including curing obesity issues, asthma, and many other chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. 

Freestanding Spa Tubs vs. Regular Hot Tubs

Both, freestanding spa tubs and regular hot tubs have their own pros, you just have to choose one based on your needs. 

The only major difference both of these tubs have is that one is ultra-flexible, while the other isn't. You can take freestanding spa tubs anywhere with you, indoors or outdoors, it's totally up to you. But regular hot tubs? No, they don't offer this flexibility as they're permanently installed. 

Also, freestanding spa tubs usually win because of the price affordability. Hot tubs, coming with more efficient jets, provide a more soothing experience, but the higher price makes them less affordable for those who are looking for a cheap hydrotherapy experience at home. 

Top 3 Physical Health Benefits of Hot Tubs

There are times when the weight of the world starts to weaken us. At that time, our physical health calls for an emergency escape. 

Escape doesn't have to be something fancy, just a normal warm bath in the hot tub before lying down in bed can make you feel your best. Down below are the 3 benefits of hot tubs that ensure your physical fitness. 

1: Relieves Muscle and Joint Pain

Muscle tension is quite common among office workers with a job requiring them to sit at a desk working for more than 7 consecutive hours. 

There's a way to fix that muscle discomfort without leaving your job. It's all about letting warm water cover you from all sides, easing your muscle tension and softening those tight spots that have become as stiff as a rock. 

Hot tubs don't just temporarily make your muscles relax, but treat major muscle and joint issues, including arthritis and sciatica. Thanks to the combo of buoyancy and hydrostatic pressure that turns a normal hot bath into something much therapeutic than you can ever imagined. 

2: Improves Blood Circulation

Blood circulation can tell how healthy you are. All the main elements, oxygen, nutrients, and waste are carried away by blood. 

If the circulation slows down, it means your muscles and tissues won't get oxygen and nutrients timely, negatively affecting your overall health. 

Hot tubs increase the blood flow due to vasodilation, where warm water enclose your body from all directions and make your blood vessels dilate. People with cardiovascular issues must spend at least 20 minutes in the hot tub to boost the blood flow while increasing their overall energy levels. 

3: Promotes Better Sleep

All of us crave a peaceful sleep, so that we can wake up feeling all fresh and ready for the adventures the next day brings. 

It's all about temperature change that makes your body signal your brain that it's time to rest and sleep. When you sit in the hot tub, your body temperature rises because of the warmth, but the moment you step out of the tub, the temperature drops down, making your body produce melatonin. 

Melatonin is the hormone that makes you fall asleep. Also, as warm water calms your nerves, stress exits, and insomnia gets sorted on its own. 

3 Mental & Emotional Health Benefits

Mental & Emotional Health Benefits of hot tubs.

Ice is the second thing being melted away by hotness, stress is the first. It's not just about mental comfort and emotional well-being through hot water therapy, it's more about a scientific thing that makes clear sense. 

Get to know how hot tubs scientifically reduce stress, relieve anxiety and improve your mood. 

Stress Reduction

Deadlines and responsibilities don't let the mind take a break. Cortisol levels rise when we don't let our mind rest and continuously struggle to become who we think we should be. 

In this race of achieving high and becoming the best, we forget that the real happiness lies in the mindset of accepting who we are and enjoying every moment of our life. 

It is not that easy to slow down and leave everything behind to enjoy every moment of our life, but it is easy to take 20-30 minutes out of our day and rest in the hot tub while warm water lowers our cortisol levels, leaving us feeling relaxed and tension free. 

What actually happens is that warm water makes our endorphin level rise, while our blood circulation increases making us feel stress free. 

Anxiety Relief

A chaotic mind can’t let anyone perform daily basic tasks. Constant overthinking leads to anxiety and small panic attacks once in a little while. 

Brain exaggerates a situation when you're breathing fastly and shrinks your muscles as if you're in grave danger or maybe in a tense situation with no solution.

When you sit in a hot tub exposing yourself to warm water, your muscles loosen and your heart beat slows, also slowing your breathing, giving your mind a strong message that there's no danger at all. 

All a hydrotherapy session in a hot tub does is that it activates your parasympathetic nervous system which makes your body slow down while keeping your mind quiet and ready to rest.  

Improved Mood

After a tiring day, all we need is rest and a sense of joy and fulfillment. This happens when you feel relaxed and happy. Our brain releases happy chemicals while increasing the level of dopamine and serotonin once we take a warm bath. 

Emotional well-being is all about being happy and mentally still. And dopamine and serotonin being the neurotransmitters of stimulating happiness, make sure we stay emotionally healthy and in a good mood nevermind the hectic daily routine. 

Doctors always prescribe exercising on a regular basis in order to take a pause from stress and enhance mood. Sitting in a hot tub is a form of exercise in itself that doesn't involve any moment from your end. 

Choosing the Right Hot Tub for Maximum Benefits

A hot tub is an investment you make for yourself and your well-being. But does any hot tub make your tense muscles feel relaxed? No!

Only a tub with the right size and strong jet placement can benefit you both physically and emotionally in the long run.  

  1. Size & Space

Large hot tubs always earn attention, and some people choose them because of how luxurious and tempting they seem, ignoring the fact that they don't have enough room to place one. 

This is the reason why compact hot tubs are considered more efficient as they can be installed easily anywhere nevermind indoors or outdoors. 

Before choosing a hot tub for your space, consider measuring the access points, so that you won't depend solely on the footprints while investing in a structure that's going to be a part of your property for years to come. 

Although compact hot tubs of size 5-7 ft in diameter are considered more space-efficient, you won't find them good enough in the future. 

As compact sizes don't allow more than 2 individuals at a time, your dream of having a relaxed time with your family members won't come true. 

So, if your space allows for a bigger hot tub of around 8-9 ft wide, consider investing in it without a second thought. 

  1. Jet Type & Placement

The jet number doesn't ensure a smooth experience, its placement tells how therapeutic the hot tub is going to be. 

You should judge a hot tub with the performance of its jet. If the jet provides perfect massage service that heal chronic pain, back neck and foot pain while reducing stress and anxiety, you must consider investing in that tub. 

Common types of jets includes;

  • Rotational Jets

  • Directional Jets

  • Pulsating Jets

All of these jets, if placed correctly, target the painpoints and ensure instant relief. From posture issues to migraines, everything can be healed if the jet placement perfectly aligns with your body’s pressure points. Wondering how to check that? 

Just sit in the dry hot tub and check if the jets are placed correctly. If it aligns with your body, it simply means the tub is going to relieve all kind of tension and body aches in just 30 minutes. 


Those who take self-care as an option suffer from anxiety, muscle stiffness, and many other serious health issues. Taking self-care as a necessity doesn't even mean you have to invest in luxury equipment and products, a mere hot tub can relax your nerves and can make you healthy while resetting your body and soul. 

Also, if you’re more into an affordable structure, consider freestanding spa tubs. They are not just budget friendly, but ensure 100% flexibility while being extra convenient and full of aesthetics. 

When stress lingers in, don't push yourself to sleep (ignoring that your body needs something else). Instead, listen to your body carefully, and do as it says. 

At times when muscles ache, joints stiff, and sleep feels too distant, your body asks for a gentle warm bath. There's nothing better than investing in hot tubs that promise 100% durability and aesthetics. Dream Pools & Spas don't want you to rely on body pain pills after a tiring day. Instead, we want you to consider our best built hot tubs that are ready to freshen up your life. 


Q1: Are there any health benefits to using a hot tub?

A: Benefits of hot tubs don't just involve fixing your mood via hydrotherapy, instead, it includes improving your overall health. Due to the release of endorphins and the change in temperature, from sleep cycle to mood, everything will be improved. 

Q2: Do you sweat in a hot tub?

A: Yes, your body sweats in the hot tub. This results in reducing cortisol which means reduction in stress. This is the reason why sitting in a hot tub is also considered as an exercise to release stress and anxiety. 

Q3: How long should you sit in a hot tub for health benefits?

A: As you sweat continuously while sitting in the hot tub, your body feels dehydrated. In order to avail health benefits without feeling dehydrated or dizzy, you must sit in the hot tub for nothing more than 30 minutes, the optimum time is 20 minutes. 

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